Investor Relations

Financial Highlights

Net Sales and Operating Income

(million yen)

Graph: Net Sales and Operating Income

Return on Equity and Return on Assets


Graph: Return on Equity and Return on Assets

Busuness Performance Trends(consolidated)

*You can see the entire image in the figure by scrolling horizontally.

Index Unit FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Net Sales (million yen) 101,066 101,774 110,955 131,238 138,456
Operating Income (million yen) 6,188 5,173 11,557 8,631 11,491
Ordinary Income (million yen) 5,345 5,944 13,272 10,349 14,850
Net Income / loss (million yen) 2,359 3,373 11,690 6,947 7,988
Assets (million yen) 172,437 180,021 185,758 201,913 224,324
Net Assets (million yen) 76,669 79,515 91,869 97,431 106,116
Net Income (Loss) Per Share (Yen) 59.03 84.41 292.58 175.75 209.27
Capital Adequacy Ratio (%) 44.5 44.2 49.5 48.3 47.3
Return on Equity (%) 3.1 4.3 13.6 7.3 7.9
Return on Assets (%) 3.1 3.4 6.3 4.5 5.4
Capital Expenditures (million yen) 8,298 6,365 5,153 5,907 9,648
R&D Expenses (million yen) 9,150 8,639 8,165 9,156 9,758
Interest-bearing Debt (million yen) 52,531 60,103 50,420 56,081 70,323
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