Business Introduction
To secure food that is indispensable for people to sustain their lives
In 1960, when Japan finally started color TV broadcasting, the world’s population was about three billion. Over the last 60 years or so, it has exploded to about eight billion. On the other hand, the world’s grain harvesting area has increased only slightly. It has been thanks to progress in agricultural technology, experts say, that the world has managed to feed the more than doubled population. Major contributing factors are innovations in agricultural business and machinery, but advances in chemistry area are also important in terms of agrochemicals and fertilizer.
Farmers need to deal with nature, and such diseases and insects that may damage their crop. So technological support is indispensable for securing their target yields. While Japan’s population has already started to shrink, the UN forecasts that the world’s population will reach about 10.4 billion in the 2080s and will continue to expand at the same pace thereafter. In order to grow enough food to feed the ever-growing population, the world will certainly need further technological innovations in all areas. In the area of agrochemicals, in which ISK is engaged, there is demand for safe high-quality chemicals that have minimum environmental impact.
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Steady verification assures the safety of products.
It takes several years to test the impact of an agrochemical by actually using for crops. Before commercialization of an agrochemical, its harmlessness, environmental impact, and productivity must be checked. Due to these mandatory procedures, 10 years or more is required to complete the development of an agrochemical.
ISK was the pioneer in Japan at introducing chemical pesticide production technology to start developing agrochemicals. Since then, we have developed various kinds of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, nematocides, and plant growth regulators. Using these products as a stepping stone, we are venturing into the field of biotic pesticides that are expected to supplement chemical pesticides in the protection of crops from diseases and insects. The agrochemicals we produce are not only used in Japan but also exported overseas. The export value of our agrochemicals is among the top in Japan. This result owes to the fact that ISK entered early into the American and European markets, which had established the world’s severest environmental and safety standards, and our products are reputed highly in these markets.
Food supports the prosperity of humankind. ISK will continue to use its high technology development capability to further enhance the safety of our products and support the steady supply of food, thereby bearing the future of the world.