
Sustainability Structures

The Sustainability Committee, established under the Board of Directors, deliberates, makes decisions, and controls important management issues related to the Group's sustainability. The Sustainability Promotion Committee is chaired by the President and CEO, and its members consist of executive officers and other key personnel.
Under the control of the Sustainability Promotion Committee, the Office of Sustainability Promotion was newly established to accelerate the planning and implementation of sustainability measures.
Under the Office, the Climate Change Action Team, Human Rights Due Diligence Promotion Team, Human Capital Management Promotion Team, Integrated Report Production Team, and DX Promotion Team have been established as the entities responsible for executing each measure. Each team is led and sub-led by a director or an executive officer, and its members include personnel from related divisions and affiliates of the Company.
Each team's initiatives and measures are discussed and reported at the Sustainability Promotion Committee, which meets at least twice a year. Matters requiring approval are referred to the Board of Directors for resolution.
Additionally, the progress of activities of the Office of Sustainability Promotion, including all teams, is reported to the Board of Directors every three months, and the Board of Directors supervises these activities.

*You can see the entire image in the figure by scrolling horizontally.

Figure: Sustainability Structures
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