ISK Group Code of Conduct
ISK Group Code of Conduct
In all business activities, we will strictly observe laws and regulations while steadfastly adhering to high ethical standards.
【Sound Business Activities】
1.We will not engage in stock trading which is considered or otherwise suspected as insider trading.
2.We will strictly observe the Anti-Monopoly Act while promoting fair, transparent and open competition among companies.
3.We will strictly observe the Subcontract Act while acting with integrity when doing business with our business partners.
4.We will seek mutual prosperity for our business partner and ourselves without engaging in unfair business practices.
5.Together with our suppliers and subcontractors, we will engage in socially responsible procurement activities.
6.We will not offer (or receive) bribes or unreasonable rebates to (from) our business partners or relevant parties.
7.We will not offer or receive gifts and entertainment in an excessive manner.
8.We will maintain transparent and fair relationships with civil servants.
9.We will take necessary procedures to import or export goods or technologies, observing all applicable laws and regulations.
10.We will understand the importance of intellectual property of our Company and other companies and respect such rights.
11.We will not have any contacts with antisocial groups while emphatically confronting unjust demands from them.
12.We will capitalize on human diversity (diverse values of individuals, diversity of individuals, and promoting business chances for women) to further develop business opportunities.
13.We will constantly monitor business activities so as to maintain appropriate financial reporting.
14.To prepare for disasters, we will establish an internal system which ensures our business continuity.
【Customer Satisfaction and Product Quality】
1.We will capture customers’ and social needs to create innovative products and services so as to contribute to sustainable social development.
2.We will develop and offer high-quality products to maximize customer satisfaction.
3.We will improve communication with customers and help resolve their problems so as to offer them value-creating services.
4.We will disclose and transmit accurate information concerning products and services we provide.
5.We will handle customer complaints sincerely and prevent recurrence of similar cases.
【Environment and Safety】
1.We are committed to strict environmental management in efforts to resolve global environmental problems and build a sustainable society.
2.We are committed to efficient use of limited resources while promoting the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle) and energy saving efforts.
3.We will work to reduce wastes through continuous improvement in the manufacturing process.
4.We will manage the atmosphere, water and other environmental variables by a self-established guideline that is stricter than the relevant laws and regulations while making efforts to minimize environmental burdens.
5.We will conduct systematic management of chemical substances to ensure social safety and environmental protection.
6.In development activities, we will make efforts to minimize environmental burdens, especially to prevent global warming and conserve biodiversity.
7.We will work to prevent accidents or disasters to ensure the safety, security and health of our employees and local communities.
8.We will continue our efforts towards zero workplace disasters.
9.We will improve communication with society regarding our activities to protect the environment and safety.
【Human Rights】
1.We will not discriminate against any individuals based on their race, religion, gender, age, nationality, place of birth, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
2.We will give utmost respect to human rights and privacy of individuals without violating such rights.
3.We will not tolerate any sexual harassment, power harassment, and harassment against pregnant women.
【Employee Satisfaction and Workplace Environment】
1.We will always appreciate our colleagues for their support while promoting the spirit of teamwork.
2.We will ensure reporting, contacting and consulting practices in our organization while creating an open and friendly workplace.
3.We will work not only for the benefit of our own department but for the Ishihara Sangyo Group, ultimately contributing to the whole society.
4.Emphasizing the importance of work-life balance, we will aim to realize a prosperous life on both personal and business fronts.
5.To nurture human resources who will build a future, we will teach them with care and passion.
6.We will handle company equipment and supplies with care and will not treat them as personal belongings.
7.We will not tolerate any violations and corruption.
【Information Disclosure and Protection】
1.We will disclose our corporate information to stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner.
2.We will manage personal information appropriately without using it for a non-original purpose.
3.We will observe business confidentiality while preventing corporate information leakage.
4.We will properly use information system and electronic devices, such as a computer, observing laws, regulations and Company rules.
【Harmony with Local Communities】
1.As a good corporate citizen, we will cooperate with local communities to create harmonious relationships.
【Global Environment】
1.We will act in a fair and upright manner while respecting cultural and social practices of each country and region, observing all applicable laws and regulations.